Archive for November, 2007

Do you mind not smoking?

November 18, 2007

When people used to ask me that in the 70’s and 80’s I actually got a little offended.  I mean, I always sat in the smoking sections of restaurants, planes, airport lounges etc. and felt that I had as much right to smoke as they had a right not to smoke. I used to make a lot of 6-20 hour plane trips all over the world and the thought of going that long without a cigarette was scary.

As the various airlines began to invoke their no-smoking policies, restaurants began banning smoking inside, public buildings yadda yadda, I finally acquiesced that if I am going to be a smoker, I am going to be treated like a second class citizen and forced to go outside, use patches on long flights (or chew lots of nicorette).

Know what?  It is not as inconvenient as I might have imagined 20+ years ago.  It is now just a part of everyday life.  At least I can smoke in the privacy of my home and my home office.  Afterall, there are some kingdoms even lawmakers can’t prevent smokers from using….!

Quit smoking magnets

November 15, 2007

A friend recently sent me a quit smoking link. It was a pretty interesting concept and it probably works for many people.

I was very curious though about paying $39.95 for a pair of small magnets.  Why couldn’t you just buy a small pair of magnetic whiteboard magnets for $2.00-$3.00 and accomplish the same goal?

Interesting marketing in this age of quitting smoking, smoking bans in restaurants, public buildings and now some states are considering laws about banning smoking in your car.

Oh well, I’m still smoking and buying my cigarettes on-line trying to save a few dollars. Getting to be a mighty expensive habit with all the taxes being levied by the states.

Maybe $39.95 isn’t so bad afterall but one has to think?